Equine Wellness Program

Greenock Farm Veterinary Hospital has a premium health care program available for our equine clients. This wellness program is a package of products and procedures that are time honored producers of sound equine health. While we can’t guarantee soundness and well being, we know that the greatest percent of horses on long term wellness plans are healthier, have fewer problems and live longer. Health care for your horse is a life-long commitment. Hopefully you will appreciate the value of the program by noticing that your horse requires fewer visits by the vets. Additionally we believe you will find your horse looks and feels better, enabling it to live up to performance expectations.
Annual Basic Healthcare Package includes:
Physical Exam
All Vaccines
Coggins Test
Complete Dental Exam
Included in the Basic Healthcare Package, you may choose one of the following:
1. Complete Blood Count (CBC is a check of the white and red blood cell system), Serum Chemistry (check of
kidneys, liver, muscle etc.)
2. CBC, Sheath clean
3. Metabolic Disease Testing (Cushings and Insulin resistance); shipping not included, Thyroid panel
While the health benefits alone should be enough incentive to take part in this program, we provide a 10% discount on all services and goods the horse may require throughout the year.
Read what some of our clients have to say about the Equine Wellness Program...
"Horses deserve great healthcare too! That's why I keep my horses on the Wellness Plan. The plan keeps us on track with preventative medical and dental care and saves money throughout the year too! It's a great way to provide excellent care for your horses".
Karen Totaro
"Since it began about ten years ago, I have participated in Greenock’s Equine Wellness Program. It is nice to know at the beginning of each year that I have planned and purchased for my horse the benefit of regularly scheduled veterinary visits for vaccinations, fecal analysis, Coggins test, dental flotation, basic physical exam and lab work or other selected procedure. Knowing that my veterinarian will be putting eyes and hands on my horse at least three or four times a year, I am confident that changes or emerging problems in my horse will be noticed and responded to appropriately, and that any questions I have can be easily addressed. And I am assured (and reminded, by post card) that I am keeping up-to-date on vaccinations and other routine care.
Mary Carpenter